I purposefully chose a provocative title, so before you spend time formulating the hate mail in your head that you intend to send me, be patient and listen to my argument. animal liberation: (noun) the freeing of animals from exploitation
Vegan For Life is the most comprehensive book on vegan diets that I’ve read yet. The subtitle, “Everything you need to know to be healthy and fit on a plant-based diet” is really true. The book literally covers every possible
Brian Manowitz, better known as Vegan Black Metal Chef, posted a Pad Thai cooking video in May of this year that went viral. As of this interview, the video has been seen by close to 1.6 million people. He’s been
With a master’s degree in English literature and a command of traditional and new media, Colleen is an exhilarating speaker, a powerful writer, a talented chef, and a persuasive advocate, whose success can be measured by the thousands of people