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An Open Letter to Nonvegans About Bird Flu

By on June 10, 2024

The next pandemic, the H5N1 bird flu virus, has officially jumped to mammals, including humans—a Michigan dairy worker and a Texas farmer—and to cows. The virus has been confirmed in 80 dairy herds in 10 states since March. Dairy cows

Continue reading An Open Letter to Nonvegans About Bird Flu

In Memory of Regan Russell: “I don’t know if it does any good. But I know doing nothing does no good.”

By on June 26, 2020

Family of slain animal activist says “We will not rest until justice is served” Regan Russell, a pioneer of Canada’s animal rights movement, was tragically killed June 19 while attending a vigil with Animal Save Movement at a Fearmans/Sofina Foods

Being Vegan During a Global Pandemic

By on May 11, 2020

The novel coronavirus which causes COVID-19 has been a challenge, to say the least, for all of us. It has been a particular challenge for vegans.

It seems Impossible, but I guess I’m a vegan purist

By on April 18, 2018

I never really thought of myself as a vegan purist. Being an ethical vegan for the last 11 years, I always considered myself just a vegan, doing the bare minimum of trying to do the least harm possible in regards to nonhuman animals.

Silence is what’s actually hurting animals

By on January 31, 2018

The #metoo movement is finally catching up to the animal protection movement, at least in the public arena. Over the past week, articles have come out exposing prominent men in the corporate animal welfare arena for bullying, abusing power, sexual abuse and harassment, and general disrespect towards women.

If my dog could talk he’d say fuck you, Daiya

By on August 2, 2017

Daiya Foods was purchased by an international pharmaceutical company, Otsuka, for $325 million last week. Otsuka tests on animals. As in vivisection. When I heard the news, my immediate reaction was to say goodbye to Daiya forever and to switch to Follow Your Heart, a truly vegan company. And I thought this position would be clear to vegans. Boy, was I wrong!

A Mark Hawthorne Ethic

By on July 7, 2017

Mark Hawthorne, author of Striking at the Roots and Bleating Hearts, is one of the movement’s best and most prolific writers. We last talked to Mark on the occasion of Bleating Hearts, and caught up with him again regarding his latest book A Vegan Ethic: Embracing a Life of Compassion Toward All.

Even Thinking Vegans Die

By on June 28, 2017

Ginny Messina, MPH, RD has written ten books for vegans including Vegan for Life, Vegan for Her, and most recently Even Vegans Die. She writes and speaks about vegan nutrition, preventing ex-vegans, and the importance of body positivity in the

Doing Time with Activist Jan Smitowicz

By on June 17, 2017

Author and activist Jan Smitowicz’s memoir Rebel Hell: Disabled Vegan Goes to Prison exposes the corruption and idiosyncrasy of the American justice system.

Welcome to the Vegan Club

By on January 3, 2017

Constantin Philippou is a self-taught vegan street artist better known as “Le Fou” (#L3Fu) – “the crazy” in French. Born in Greece, raised in Paris, and currently living in Los Angeles, he has spent his life so far experiencing and being influenced by different cultures and artistic works. After discovering the living conditions of animals in factory farms, the theme of his work has become mixing famous icons with vegan messages through pop art, combining his passion for animals and justice. Currently in Los Angeles, his now-iconic “Vegan Club” posters sport portraits of well-known figures.

Microsanctuary Movement Seed Grants for farmed animal care

By on March 28, 2016

Almost two years ago, we found out about the work of Justin and Rosemary Van Kleeck, who were building a new approach to farmed animal rescue and care. We were so impressed by their philosophy, and so determined to help