All sentient beings feel pain. Meat, dairy and eggs come from sentient beings. Meat, dairy and eggs always cause pain. Humans do not have a biological need to eat meat, dairy and eggs. So, if you choose to eat meat, dairy and eggs, you are choosing to cause pain and to participate in exploitation and murder. Participating in pain and murder is always unethical. The ethical choice is vegan.
Kirsten Bayes
October 1, 2011
I’m hugely grateful for the unexpected joys of being vegan. I thought it would be quite a deprived thing, but I was prepared to do it for the animals. As it is, I discovered vegan food is the good stuff, non-animal substitutes for leather are better and cheaper, and that the bond with animal friends just went stratospheric. What a gift, and such an unexpected one.
Kirsten Bayes
October 1, 2011
I’m hugely grateful for the unexpected joys of being vegan. I thought it would be quite a deprived thing, but I was prepared to do it for the animals. As it is, I discovered vegan food is the good stuff, non-animal substitutes for leather are better and cheaper, and that the bond with animal friends just went stratospheric. What a gift, and such an unexpected one.
December 23, 2011
Do you mind if I ask a question regarding this statement?
I’m not currently vegan or vegetarian, although I’m strongly considering vegetarianism right now.
My question is: suppose you know for certain that the eggs and dairy you consume is produced ethically?
For example, where I live, many people keep chickens as a means of composting. They feed the chickens vegetables and other scraps from their kitchens, keep the chickens in well maintained coops, allow them free roam around their yard, and let them live their full life.
Would it be unethical in this case to consume the eggs from those chickens?