Viewing: Cowspiracy

Animal Rights, Films, and Food: Going for the Trifecta with the Animal Film Festival

By on November 14, 2014

Most people are aware that when we’re not keeping up the blog, we’re working in our PR agency that primarily serves animal rights nonprofits/campaigns, documentary films, and vegan foods. Imagine our enthusiasm when the organizers of the Animal Film Festival


By on April 21, 2014

I appreciate Earth Day just as much as the next person, but the commercialism and the lack of discussion and awareness around the biggest culprit in both global climate change and the destruction of the planet frustrates me to no end. While changing out your lightbulbs, driving less, taking shorter showers and not allowing the water to run while you brush your teeth may all add up in some complex earth-saving logarithm, continuing to ignore the number one polluter of the air, water and land, the biggest consumer of a limited resource, i.e. water, and the largest emitter of greenhouse gases is at best absurd and at worst, hastening the end of the human species (not that I have a problem with that).