Posts By: Gary Smith

Gary Smith

Beagle Freedom Project, vivisection and Thinking Veganism

Beagle Freedom Project, vivisection and Thinking Veganism

By on August 7, 2011

  Leigh-Chantelle Koch of Viva La Vegan interviewed me about the Beagle Freedom Project and vivisection.  

Animal Rights and Thinking Veganism

Animal Rights and Thinking Veganism

By on August 5, 2011

Leigh-Chantelle Koch of Viva La Vegan interviewed me on several topics including animal rights, activism and veganism.  

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: How do you deal with family?

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: How do you deal with family?

By on July 20, 2011

One of the most difficult things for vegans and activists is to experience the continuing exploitation of nonhuman animals by our family members and those closest to us. How do you deal with this? How do you find peace, if

Blogtrolls and look out, Sri Lankans.

Blogtrolls and look out, Sri Lankans.

By on July 3, 2011

Lately the Thinking Vegan’s Facebook page ( has been infiltrated by people in the ag industry – cattle ranchers, dairy ranchers, etc. From the “plants have feelings too” crowd to “god wants us to eat animals” to “I’ll eat an

America: home of the free, brave, imprisoned and enslaved

America: home of the free, brave, imprisoned and enslaved

By on July 1, 2011

Every year, as the Fourth of July holiday approaches, I begin to recoil in disgust. I cannot think of a holiday that makes my skin crawl so much (though Thanksgiving is a close second). Between the nationalism, patriotism, pro-war and

Freegles and Malcolm’s Vida Loca

Freegles and Malcolm’s Vida Loca

By on June 27, 2011

Earlier this month, L.A.-based Beagle Freedom Project, part of ARME (Animal Rescue, Media & Education), spearheaded the rescue of beagles used in animal testing labs. Founder Shannon Keith and fellow animal rights attorney Jill Ryther, along with activist Ady Gil

Laboratory Beagles Get a Chance at Life

Laboratory Beagles Get a Chance at Life

By on June 27, 2011

  They had no names, only an ID number tattooed on their ears. They had never seen the sun or smelled the fresh air. They had never felt grass under their feet, only the cold steel wire of their cages.

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: Why are you vegan? elevator pitch

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: Why are you vegan? elevator pitch

By on June 27, 2011

What’s your best elevator pitch for “Why are you vegan?”     Alexa Reed Because I didn’t want to contribute to animal suffering, environmental damage, and human starvation. So, why meat?   Carolin Iseler I hate plants 😉   Jenn

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: Non-vegan heroes

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: Non-vegan heroes

By on June 3, 2011

Who are your non-vegan heroes? Who do you think is incredibly cool (and would be ten times cooler if they were vegan)? My pick is Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!   Alexa Reed Jon Stewart and/or Stephen Colbert. Rachel Maddow.

Veganism and atheism?

Veganism and atheism?

By on June 1, 2011

In this series, we ask vegans engaged in different kinds of activism a question, and post their responses, to show a diversity of perspectives on the same topic. This is not a forum for ‘professional experts’ and thought leaders, but

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: Vegan Books

The Thinking Vegan Pop Quiz: Vegan Books

By on May 31, 2011

If a non-vegan challenged you to recommend a book that would make them go vegan, what book would that be and why? Robert D. Shepherd Slaughterhouse by Gail Eiznitz. Windy Lynn Brown The China Study…the most comprehensive study ever conducted