Viewing: speciesism

Thinking Out Loud with ‘Speciesism’ Filmmaker Mark Devries

By on November 22, 2013

First-time filmmaker Mark Devries has brought his deep wit and healthy intellect to Speciesism: The Movie, an aptly titled documentary about the belief that human animals are inherently superior to nonhuman animals. Featuring Peter Singer, Gary Francione, Tom Regan, Richard

Why don’t you care about animals?

Why don’t you care about animals?

By on September 8, 2012

The question “why don’t animal activists care about people?” has many worthy responses, including the toll of animal agribusiness on workers and the environment, and the food and water resources that are used to feed animals that could feed hungry

Who is Saving Animals?

Who is Saving Animals?

By on January 5, 2012

Many vegans lament that there are dog/cat rescuers and other animal activists in their communities who are not vegan. I’m with you, believe me. I get it. It is shocking when humane societies serve animals on plates at fundraisers. It

SAEN releases new report on animal abuse in research labs

SAEN releases new report on animal abuse in research labs

By on October 18, 2011

A comprehensive new report on the use of non-human primates in federally regulated vivisection labs was issued today by SAEN (Stop Animal Exploitation Now). The report on the state of primate research is based on USDA documentation, including the little-known

My response to an open-minded carnist

My response to an open-minded carnist

By on September 8, 2011

I appreciate your willingness to chat. I would say that most of our views about animals come from the culture that we grew up in. We have been taught that animals are lower than us and hence we can eat

Email from a Vivisector

Email from a Vivisector

By on July 30, 2011

Because of our work, we’ve had a number of opportunities to interact with animal exploiters. Recently we reached out to a vivisection lab on behalf of Beagle Freedom Project to see if they were able to release any dogs to

Blogtrolls and look out, Sri Lankans.

Blogtrolls and look out, Sri Lankans.

By on July 3, 2011

Lately the Thinking Vegan’s Facebook page ( has been infiltrated by people in the ag industry – cattle ranchers, dairy ranchers, etc. From the “plants have feelings too” crowd to “god wants us to eat animals” to “I’ll eat an

Veganism is a social justice movement

Veganism is a social justice movement

By on March 1, 2011

Veganism at its core is about justice. Veganism is a social justice movement that places an animal’s right to be left to his or her own devices as the center of justice.